Alstertal , Hamburg

Alstertal , Hamburg

Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010

Mittwoch= Dosentag / wednesday = Tinsday

Ganz alte Keksdose der Firma Xox
30 ger,  40ger Jahre vermutlich. 
A very old cookietin  from a company named Xox.
Must be out of the 30 th or the 40th.
Dose mit Delfter Motiven, 
Alter unbekannt.
We don't know how old this tin is.
It shows wonderful Delfter motives
 Auch Delfter Motive , von unser Lieblingstante Maria.
 In liebevoller Erinnerung

This one although show Delfter motiv, it's from our fave aunt Maria.
 In loving memory.

 Noch ein paar weitere Dosenfunde vom Dachboden

One more tins from the loft.

1 Kommentar:

  1. All of these tins are WONDERFUL, Doris! The cookies on the first tin look so good.

    My personal favorite is the one that belonged to Aunt Maria. I love the Delft designs and my kitchen is blue and white! ;-)

    Thanks so much for sharing!
